Are you looking for a modelling eFolio?

If you’re looking to get into modelling, but don’t yet have an eFolio, then you’ve come to the right place!

Find out all about our specialist eFolios below.

What is an eFolio?

The world of modelling changes every day, and one of the newest developments are eFolios, which act as your professional online portfolios.

Do I need an eFolio?

While the internet and the world of digital means that models have more opportunity to market themselves, it also means that they must keep up with the latest technologies, which is why we’re proud to help you find out all you need to know about eFolios.

With an eFolio, you could find yourself being approached by directors and brands without actually being represented by a modelling agency.

Like all industries, it’s important that the people within them keep up with the latest advances and developments so that they are not left behind.

This is why it is crucial for models to have an online presence so that they can market themselves for potential jobs and castings.

With an eFolio, you can do just that.

Do I need an eFolio​ — The Models Kit

The Benefits of an eFolio

The great thing about having a digital presence is the fact that you can get discovered by just about anyone, from anywhere in the world.

With an eFolio, you have the ability to gain work on a freelance basis by applying for jobs through casting agencies solely through your eFolio.

With increasing regularity, we’re seeing models launch successful careers as freelancers through the use of their eFolios.

What’s more a carefully crafted marketing plan, you can use self-promotion to help get your name onto the books of casting agents — giving you the ability to go out there and make your mark on the industry.

Should an eFolio be kept up to date?

Not only should your eFolio contain images from your best work, but it should also contain your very latest shoots.

By taking a few samples from each shoot you work on, you can provide casting directors and agents with the best possible impression of your talents and personality. Be selective and critical of each photo and decide which ones portray you in the best light.

An up to date portfolio will not only show your experience, but also your range as a professional model. What’s more, casting directors will be able to see that you are enjoying regular work; a great signal for anyone.

Remember to prune your pictures as you go, however, as ones from a few years ago may not represent who you are today, especially if you have changed niches or styles.

Keep your eFolio relevant

Although we always advise showing some range within an eFolio, it’s important to stick to your niche and type of modelling.

By doing so, you’ll be showing your dedication to potential directors and agents, who will want to get the best possible idea of what kind of work you do, as well as how you might fit into their shoot.

And professional

Although an eFolio can often be fun and creative, at The Model’s Kit, we always advise on a professional and stylish eFolio.

Ensure that every possible image within it is clear, high quality, and in focus. Although your favourite photograph of you may be one taken by a friend at an event or a social gathering, it is likely that it should not be added to a professional eFolio.

It’s important to remember that an online portfolio will be the first image of you that a casting director or agent will see, so it is important that you make the best possible impression.

The layout is important

Unfortunately, you could have the best possible pictures that any model could wish for, but if the layout of your eFolio is not convenient or has poor usability, the chances are that it will only work to put people off working with you.

Ensure that your eFolio is formatted correctly, as well as being clear, concise, and offers everything that a possible employer will need.

This also means that you will have to double-check any information you provide, as a typo within an email address or a missed digit on a phone number could leave directors or agents being unable to contact you.

At the end of the day, an eFolio is an online representation of you and your talent, which means that you need to make it as professional and appealing as possible.

The layout is important​ — The Models Kit

Security is everything

While eFolios are great, it does mean that you could be contacted by just about anyone with an internet connection.

Security is Everything — The Models Kit

Being contacted through your eFolio will always be exciting, but ensure to research anyone who leaves a message.

If you’re unsure, ask the person as many questions as possible so that you can gauge their credibility. It’s also a good idea to search for their name on social media platforms or on LinkedIn.

Although safety in modelling has improved dramatically in the past 20 years alone, there are still scammers in operation, so always research the person or company who is contacting you before deciding to reply.

How can UK Models help?

With the professional pictures taken within our studios, you can help build a brand new eFolio to help market yourself online.

With a collection of beautiful photographs from our shoots, showing you in an array of styles and poses that are relevant to your niche, we know that you will have the best possible and highest quality pictures for your eFolio.

What’s more, we can also provide you with professional hairstylists and makeup artists to give you the full modelling experience.

Register with us today to start creating your own eFolio.

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